Our Corporate Logo

The Indoor Cycling Group is our Corporate logo. Striving for excellence in Indoor Cycling has made Indoor Cycling Group (ICG®) the world’s largest corporation specializing in the design, manufacturer and programing of Indoor Cycling equipment. With more than 250 dedicated staff worldwide, we ride united as one team - Team ICG®.

Our brand, our intent and our community

For two decades, Team ICG® have globally motivated, mentored and measured positive change in the "lives and rides" of its instructors and community. We’re not the many, but the few that make a difference. Believing in better. Striving together. Advancing together. We’re your teammate and team leader. "Team" is everything we stand for. "ICG" is who we are: Directors, Crew, Master Trainers and fans. Team ICG® is woven into our jerseys and our daily attitude; it’s our brand, our intent and our community.


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